All The Best Cowboys Have.... Chinese Eyes By Katrinka The University student murders had dominated the headlines of the British tabloids for over a year, it had been called the biggest story of 1987. No matter what the police did to try and stop the murders, no suspect had been caught. The only thing that would happen would be that the when the police investigated, the murders would move to another university and begin again. The press called it the gay ripper, because all the students who had been killed where gay. CI5 had been handed the case after the home secretary had decided that the capture of the murderers where in the national interest. Cowley had assigned Bodie and Doyle to infiltrate St. Jeffrey's University in Manchester. Bodie would be the receptionist for and undercover CI5 agent. Doyle would be an art tutor. Bodie and Doyle had been assigned to live openly as lovers. Perhaps their closeness would make them an open target. "Bryant, do I know a Bryant?" Doyle asked Bodie as they walked down the hallway of the maths building at the university. "Must you know everyone in CI5?" Bodie countered, he was wearing a mustache, which was part of his cover, Doyle couldn't quite get used to it. "I know most of CI5, but I've never met him." "He's deep cover," Bodie reminded his lover. "But he's one of the best." "From what you heard," "I just might know him," "Do you know him?" Doyle asked. "I'm not going to tell you," Bodie was smiling, which could only mean one thing, he was trying to pull one over on his lover. Doyle spotted a group of students walking down the corridor, he pushed Bodie into a corner, and began to kiss him passionately. Bodie pulled away a bit. "What do you think your doing?" "Remember Bodie, our cover," Doyle kissed Bodie again, and this time the ex-mercenary let him. Ray could hear the remarks of the students as they walked down the corridor. "Bloody poofters, can't they do that in private?" "You know how fags are, can't keep their peckers in their pants," After the group had gone, Doyle pulled away from Bodie, "You see that wasn't so hard," Bodie's finger brushed Doyle's crotch. "Enjoy performing in public do you?" Doyle simply nodded, half-afraid, half-anticipating that Bodie would suggest that they have sex in the hallway. Bodie kissed Ray, he pushed him against a door, snaked his hand around his lovers back, and Doyle found himself bushed into a room, his buttocks hitting the edge of a table. The room turned out to be a walk in closet. Bodie shut and locked the door behind him, then kissed Doyle again, pushing him back onto the table. As they kissed, his fingers fumbled with Doyle's pockets. He felt a slap of metal agains t his wrist, and the jerk as Bodie pulled his arm over his head. Bodie grabbed Doyle's free arm, and pulled that over his head, pulling hard until Ray's fingers touched the leg of the table, there was another slap as the other cuff was threaded around the leg and slapped against Doyle's free wrist. "What do you want?" Bodie growled, his fingers kneading Doyle's cock t hrough his jeans.. This was an old game of theirs, domination and submission. "I want to fuck you," Ray moaned. "You'd like that wouldn't you? Too bad your not going to get it." Bodie pulled Doyle's glasses off, then he moved around and unfastened Doyle's pants, and pulled them off. Bodie's fingers wrapped around Ray's cock and began to pump. Doyle groaned, his balls got slapped for that, hard. "No talking!" Doyle nodded, afraid, Bodie had only hurt him once during this game, but that was enough, even though Doyle forgave him, he couldn't quite get the pain Bodie had caused out of his mind. But that was then, this was now. He closed his eyes and tried to shut the thoughts of that day out of his mind. He heard Bodie's pants unzip, there was a long second, where nothing had happened. then Bodie lifted Ray's legs up, so they where resting on his shoulders, and Ray felt hardness a gainst his cheeks, then just as suddenly, Bodie entered him. "Your my slut Doyle, mine, do you understand that?" Bodie asked harshly. "your my whore." "Yes," Doyle groaned, and he grew accustomed to Bodie filling him. "I'm going to do this to you sometime during the case, I'm going to throw a party, and I'll let everyone who is watching have a turn with you, do you understand?" A half terror/half thrill coursed through him, Bodie sounded deadly serious. "Yes Bodie, I understand," He felt Bodie slap into him, at every thrust, Doyle was pushed back a little more on the table. With a groan, Bodie came, as he did, he bit into Ray's shoulder. Ray couldn't help it, he cried out in pain. Bodie got off of Ray, he reached around and unlocked his wrists. He helped him sit up, there was concern etched in his sapphire eyes and then gently, cradled him in his arms, his fingers stroking the golden curls of his lover.. "I'm sorry I hurt you Ray, I got too carried away....." "It's all right," "I'd never force you to have sex with anyone, you do know that, it was just a fantasy," "Yes, I know." "Your shoulder," "I'll be all right," There was a long pause between them, as if Bodie was trying to find the words of what to tell him, then without saying anything, Bodie sank to his knees, taking Doyle's still hard cock in his mouth. Sucking him with a mastery that Doyle still found surprising. Soon Doyle filled Bodie's mouth, and he shouted his lovers name as he came. * * * After the sex, Bodie handed Doyle his glasses. Doyle wasn't just wearing the glasses as a descise, he was getting over a painful eye infection, making the wearing of contacts agony, so he was forced to wear his glasses until it cleared up. The found the office of Dr. Bryant. Doyle tapped on the door, and someone yelled "Come in," The went in and shut the door. The office walls where lined with book shelves, there was a very tall thin person trying to figure out a complex problem written on the board. It was so complicated that it made Doyle's head spin. The person stepped back from the board and stared at it. The person had long curly chestnut hair that fell to his waist. Doyle looked quizzically at Bodie who gestured as if trying to say. "Go right a head." Finally, Doyle decided to speak. "Wouldn't that be easier if you used a calculator?" "No it wouldn't." The man said in a very crisp upper-class accent. "If I can't work out one of my own problems, how can I expect my student's to?" "Are you Brendan Bryant?" Doyle asked. The man turned to them, he wore a pentagram on a chain that he wore around his neck. "Hello Bodie," "How you doing Brend?" "You really know this guy?" Doyle gasped. "He's brother Lars and him are...." Bodie struggled to find the words. "What Willie here is trying to say is that I'm married to his brother Lars," Bryant said with a smile. "Married? But your a......" "A man, yes I know." "It isn't legal," "That doesn't matter to me, Lars and I were handfasted in a Wicca ceremony," Bryant explained. Doyle looked the man over, he didn't have one ounce of fat on him, and barely any mussel. He asked Bryant something that Bodie had asked Doyle when they first met. "How the hell did you get through MacKlen?" "I have three black belts," Bodie nudged Doyle and pointed to a framed display case the size of a 18x24 picture frame, it was filled with medals, Olympic medals. Doyle stared at them dumbfounded. "Your Brendan Bryant," he finally gasped. "Cowley already told us that Ray," Bodie said. "I mean *the* Brendan Bryant, the only Brit. to sweep the shooting medals at an Olympics!" Doyle entire viewpoint of the man had changed. "You look quite a bit different then you did at the Olympics," "I wear my hair up when I shoot," Bryant shrugged. "Why did you retire?" Doyle continued. "Your kind of shooting's a gift." "Cowley requited me soon after the games, I was forced to retire." "Your pretty young to be a college professor," "I'm thirty-two, I'm not that young." "When did you just get your Ph.D..?" "No, I got that when I was twenty-three," Bryant sat down in a chair that Doyle noticed was fitted for his tall frame, he gestured to a couple of free chairs. Both Bodie and Doyle sat down. Again Ray said. "I can't see you as a CI5 agent." "Perhaps that's why I'm so good, people can't see me as an agent." Bryant smiled again. "Did Cowley fill you in on the problem?" "He told us the basics," Bodie said. "He said we would get the rest from you," "There isn't much else to say, there is a hate group on campus, and they hate queers, but I can't yet tell if their connected to the murders." "are they skin heads?" "Some of them, the problem is that their secretive to the point of paranoia," "Do you think the Murphy brothers can get in with them?" Doyle asked. "I'm not sure," Bryant paused. "Do you think you can handle being openly gay?" "I handled Angola, I can handle this," Bodie said simply. "What about you Ray?" "I can hold my own," "You'll probably have to. I have some of the hate group members flagged, but not all of them." Bryant took a photo album off of his desk and handed them to Doyle. "take these with you, look them over." "Don't you want to keep a copy?" I've got one of my own." Bryant got up. "Why don't I show you what you have to do Bodie." * * * Doyle watched Bryant showing Bodie the ropes for awhile, then decided to find his office. Art, what wise guy decided that he should teach that course? Why did he have to come here, where is sister Mai Li had been appointed the head of the art department? It had bothered him that Mai Li hadn't told him herself that she had moved back to the UK, but instead he had heard it from the controller of CI5, but then again, perhaps his sister didn't want anything to do with him. He deserved that kind of treatment, three years before Bodie and Doyle had been assigned to work with the Hong Kong police on a case, and he pretended that Mai Li wasn't his sister. He found Mai Li's office. The receptionist wasn't there, Susan Fisher was suppose to start tomorrow. The door to Mai Li's office was slightly ajar, he walked over to it and tapped on it. His sister was reading a folder, she looked up to him, and in Chinese said. "So you finally decided to report in," "Did Cowley tell you that I was assigned to this department?" Ray asked surprised. "Who do you think requested you?" Mai Li got up from her desk and walked over to him. She hugged Ray, he found himself hugging back. "It's good to see you Xang Wei," "How long have you been home?" "Almost a year," She told him, she took his hand in her's and they walked over to a couch, and sat down. "Why didn't tell me you'd moved back?" Doyle asked. Mai Li shrugged. "I tried calling CI5, but they refused to give me your number, or to give you a message, it seems as if you've never told them that you had a sister," "Secrecy is part of my job, if some crook found out about you, you could be in danger." "This way, you think I'm safe,' Mai Li bore a striking resemblance to her brother, except that she looked more Asian. Her eyes where dark and slanted just a little bit more then her brother's, her hair was raven black, and cut in a bob. Doyle couldn't help but notice that dyed a purple streak in the front of her hair. "Your not safe, not now." Doyle said. "No one's safe these days, not with the murders," "None have happened here," "The way it's going, it's only a matter of time until something does happen." Mai Li paused. "It's been almost three years since I've seen you, since that case in Hong Kong,' Ray looked around the room, his sister had decorated it in Asian art. and artwork of her own, there was a small pagan alter in one corner. The entire office had a homey feel. "my work doesn't let me travel much," "Mother worries about you, you should call her more," Mai Li reminded him. "Perhaps I should," "Your the only son she has left," She reminded him. " I know, " Doyle really didn't want to talk about how he never did his duty to his mother. "is this a perminate job?" "I've decided that it was time to come home, not that this is really home." "It's the closest thing to home," "I don't feel at home," Mai Li pointed out. "Do you know what the worse part is about being Eurasian? Neither culture accepts you, I felt just as out of place in Hong Kong. At least your here, looking out for me, I've always felt safer when your here." "Your my sister, I'll always protect you." "I just wish that Kyle could have been here..." "I do too, but Kyle's gone, he'll never come back." "I still have his letters, do you want them?" Mai Li offered. "Can you keep it them me?" "He sent them to you," She reminded him. "It's all you have left of him." "Perhaps later," Doyle looked around. //Much later,// Then he looked back to his sister. "Have the hate groups bothered you much, your not only mixed race, your bisexual..." "Not much, Jenn's had more problems since she's the College's physician." " Whose Jenn?" "My fiancee, we're planning on getting married at the next full moon." " The congratulations are in order," He kissed her cheek. His sister pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. "have you told Bodie about your secret yet?" " I can't," Doyle finally said. "Bodie's very open minded," She reminded him. "He deserves to know the truth.' "Your right, he does, he's worked very hard to overcome his prejudices, but this might be too much for him," Doyle paused. "Do you hate me for keeping the truth from my partner?" "Of Course I don't hate you, " She reached up and touched his battered cheek bone. "I thought you where going to get that fixed,' "I haven't had the time, besides......." "It reminds you of a bad time, when we first moved to Britain, when you where beaten for just being different," She paused and in English said. "Why are you wearing glasses?" "I have an eye infection," "it's not part of your discise?" she said in a teasing tone. "Not this time." "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." "Thanks Mai," impulsively Doyle hugged his sister. "What's your secret?" Bodie said from the doorway. Mai Li pulled away from Doyle, she looked up to Bodie. "Hello," "Mai Li," Bodie said coldly. "How long have you been here?" Ray asked. "long enough, is this a new affair, or did the two of you sleep together in Hong Kong?" Mai Li started to giggle, she put her hand over her mouth to hid it. Doyle had to admit that it did sound funny, just the thought of him having an affair with his sister. "You don't understand Bodie, Ray and I are just friends, nothing more,' She got up and walked over to him. "It's good to see you, there's so much that I wasn't to talk to you about." "There's nothing to talk about." Bodie brushed past Mai Li, he went over to her desk, he picked up a photo in a frame. "So this is what your secret it, she looks too much like Ray for you to try and deny it,' "Win Lu isn't Ray's daughter," Bodie through the picture across the room, it shattered against the wall. "Don't lie to me! Not when the truth is so clear! I'll leave you to your little orgy!" With that Bodie left. "Bodie you don't understand!" ray jumped to his feet, he followed his lover, but Bodie was too fast and Ray lost him. Ray went back into his sister's office, he sank down on the couch. He put his head in his hands for a moment, then he looked back at his sister. "That bastard's got the wrong end of the stick, didn't you ever tell him about his daughter?" "What was the point in telling him?" Mai Li asked. "Bodie and I had a fling, it wasn't anything too serious, in the end it boiled down to one thing, I didn't want to leave Hong Kong, and Bodie didn't want to leave England, or you." "Bodie and I aren't serious," Ray said quickly. "I'm simply a substitute for Kyle, Bodie really doesn't care for me." "Then why did you lover get so angry when he though we had a child together?" She pointed out. "He loves you, in his own way he loves you, yes you remind him of Kyle, but he cares for you in his own way, but he's dangerous, Ray, very dangerous. You should break up with him.." "That isn't for you to decide," "I know Bodie's very seductive, but he'll kill you one day," "It's my life Mai, let me live it." "If that's what you want, but if anything happens, call me, I'll be there for you." "Sure, thing Mai.' Doyle told her. "I'll see you in the morning," * * * Bodie went to the nearest gay pub. He would probably have gone to a straight pub in normal circumstances, but this time he was undercover, and so to keep his cover he went to the gay pub. He knew he had over reacted when he had seen Doyle's child, but he had always thought of Ray as his. Mai Li was another story, he had cared for her quite deeply t he time they had lived together in Hong Kong. He had spent three months with her, three months of endless nights of wonderful sex. Yes, she had been friends with Ray, but Bodie had believed their story about them being childhood friends. Now Bodie realised that they had been much more then just friends. Why did that fact hurt so much? Bodie had always had an open relationship with Ray, it gave the other the chance to explore, while knowing that their lover would be home with them at the end of the night. //It was also simply an excuse, to keep Ray at arm's length, he had willed himself not to get too close to Ray, not as close as he had been to Kyle.// Bodie couldn't remember when Ray had stopped dating others, it had happened right after they returned from Hong Kong. Somehow knowing Ray was waiting for him, saving himself for him gave Bodie a secure sense. He had thought that finally getting as close as he had to the man's twin. Until he saw Ray and Mai Li together, and the way they looked at each other. Bodie wanted to forget, and he knew the best way to forget was to get so blind drunk that he could dismiss what he saw in Mai Li's office as a bad dream. As he downed another drink, he could see in his mind's eye what Ray was doing, he was probably sleeping with Mai Li. . He could tell by the way Ray looked at the woman that she was something special to him. That hurt the ex-mercenary far more then he was willing to admit. During the evening, several men had come up to him, trying to pick him up , but he didn't feel like sleeping with anyone, not now. A couple went into the bar, a tall man with curly dark hair and a shorter man with darker black hair and pale skin. The shorter man nudged his tall lover. Then he went over to Bodie. "Hello Bodie," "Oh hi Lars......" Lars was Bodie's brother. "What are you doing here?" Lars demanded. "Getting drunk," To prove the point, Bodie downed another drink. "I can see that,' There was more then a note of disapproval in Lar's voice. Bodie gestured to the bartender to fill his drink, she did. The bartender was a good looking blond woman, if he hadn't had Doyle on the brain, he would have tried to pick her up. he slapped the girls bum after she brought the drink. "Thanks luv," "How long has he been at this?" Bryant asked the waitress. "Four hours," The girl sighed. "He's been getting more and more obnoxious the more he drinks." A song came on the jukebox, and Bodie began to sing along with the song, his singing was very off-keyed. Lar's grabbed Bodie around the waist, he pulled him off the chair, and to his feet. He nodded to his lover who did the same thing. He then looked up to the waitress. "Put his drinks on my tab Glyness." "Right Lars,' Bodie finally got a good look at the tall man, and his name came to him . "Bryant, your Brendan Bryant," "Yes, I am." Bodie gave the startled man a large French kiss. Then he began to sing again. * * * Lar's and Bryant took Bodie to their apartment, they tossed Bodie on the bed in the guest bedroom. Lars pulled Bodie's shoes off. "Your staying here tonight. "Anything you say brother,' Bodie hiccuped. Bryant looked down to Bodie with some distaste. "I can't believe a jerk like him would be your brother," "Unfortunately he is," Lars sat down beside Bodie. "Why did you get drunk Bodie?" "I wanted to forget," "Forget what?" Bryant sat down on the other side of Bodie. "I wanted to forget about Ray." For the first time Bodie noticed Bryant's curls. "If your hair was lighter, it would be just like Ray's" "Your mean your partner?" "Yeah, him, good looking bloke," "Too good looking for you," Bryant said. "I wonder if Cowley knows that two of his agents are sleeping together?" Lars asked. "He knows. " Bryant said. "Their desecreet at it, that's why their allowed to stay partners." Bodie didn't hear any more of their conversation, he passed out. * * * The next day, Doyle strolled down the hallway of the building that housed his new office. He had done a lot of thinking since the night before. Bodie hadn't come in and that bothered him, Bodie usually told him if he wasn't going home, but not this time. Ray's office was a flight up from where he was now. He found a door marked stairs, and since he needed the exercise, he took them. The stairwell wasn't well lit, and after he got used to the light, he noticed that there was a teen-aged boy on the landing, two skinheads had him pushed up against the wall, one with a knife to his throat. "Do you know what would happen if we kill you?" The first skin head asked the kid. "No one would notice another poof going missing," The second one said. He had a working class accent. The kid looked into the first one's eyes, and in a strong cockney accent said. "You don't really want to kill me." "It would be an honour to rid the Earth of another poof," The first ran a knife across the boy's neck, blood tricked down. The boy was young, probably a first year student. Doyle reached for the gun that wasn't there, the gun Cowley wouldn't let him carry on this mission, but he had a knife in his boot, he drew it. "Hold it right there," "Sod off, this doesn't involve you!" The first skin head said. "I said, leave him alone!" Doyle repeated. The second skin head turned to Doyle, he drew a switch blade, he hit a button and the blade pooped out. Doyle was an experienced knife fighter, he let his attacker come to him, he stepped aside and the attacker fell down the stairs. The attacker sprang to his feet, Doyle fought him, eventually throwing the attacker against the wall. The attacker hit his head and passed out. Doyle turned to the first skin head, but he had fled. The body was sitting on the ledge, holding a hand to his throat. he knelt down by the boy. "Are you all right?" "I'll live," He gasped. Doyle couldn't help but notice the blood that ran between the boy's fingers. The kid was pale, and for the first time Doyle realised that the kid was older then he had first guessed, and that he knew him. "Your Lars Bodie." "Your Ray Doyle, my brother's partner." he looked around. "They'll come back for you." "I can handle them," Ray said firmly. "I better call an ambulance." "No ambulance, take me to the infirmary," Lars gasped. "You might bleed to death," "I'll be all right, the infirmary is down stairs, you had to pass it to get here, remember," "Yes I remember, let's get going." The kid moved to stand, Doyle helping him. * * * Doyle stayed with Lars until he was reassured that the wounds looked worse then they really were. He then went to the art department. The offices where relatively small, basically a centre space with small offices around it. There was a workman painting Ray's name on a door. The door already had one name on it, Lars Bodie. Susan Fisher looked up to Doyle from the receptionists desk. "Can I help you?" "Just finding my new office," He went into the room, there was a desk on one side of the room that was obviously Lars. There was another desk in the other corner, this one had nothing on it. It was his. "Your late," Mai Li snapped from the doorway. "I'm sorry......" In Chinese Mai Li asked. "How did you get blood all over you?" "I stopped a couple of skin heads trying to kill Lars," he answered in Chinese. Since this place was crawling with outsiders, it wouldn't be safe to talk in English. "Is he all right?" she asked. "He'll be fine, the Doctor said he should take the rest of the day off." Mai Li walked over to a closet, she took out a pair of jeans and a shirt, she tossed it to Ray. "Put these on," Ray looked down to them. "Why?' "I can't have you going to class with blood all over you," * * * "Are you sure Lars would understand?' "You just saved his life, how can he complain?' Mail Li shut the office door. "You never told me why I have to share an office," Doyle said as he began to change. "We don't usually have so many art tutors, so the only way to house you CI5 agents is to make you share." "Why couldn't I share with you?" Doyle asked. "I'm the head of the department, so I must have my own office," She smiled. "There's no way you can share with Murphy, since he's suppose to be a skinhead. SO that leaves Lars. Don't worry, he's a nice guy,." "He's Bodie's brother," "That's another plus," Mai Li glanced at her watch. "You better get going, you have class in ten minutes." * * * The morning had been a strain on Doyle, all he could think about was that poor kid that had been attacked, he still couldn't think of Lars as being a college professor, he looked too young. He had to remind himself that he looked just like a kid when he had first started as a cop. Teaching, he still couldn't get use to the idea of having to teach a bunch of fresh faces. But he couldn't allow his class to see that. He turned to the correct page in the attendance book, and set it on the podium. Then he looked out to the class, who where looking back up to him. Most of the class were just kids, but there where a couple of older students,. He took a deep breath, let it out and began to speak. "Hello everyone, I'm your professor Ray Lang, and this is Art 101, Art For Beginners." The door to the room opened, and Bodie slipped into the back. He was c arrying a notebook. Doyle couldn't help but notice that Bodie was wearing the same clothes that he wore the day before, and he was badly in need of a shave. "Can I help you?" Doyle's voice sounded harsher then he meant for it to. "Sorry I'm late," Bodie said sheepishly. "If your late again, you'll be counted absent for the class, you might as well sit down." "Yes sir," "I want to talk to you after class," "Of course sir," Bodie sat down in a seat in the back. Doyle took role, then he looked back to his students. "I welcome everyone to my class. We will have no oral tests in here, you will be graded on your work and your attendance. I am a hard grader, but I think I'm fair. DO as I say, and I can be your best friend, mess up, and you'll be out of this class without a warning. Is there any questions?" A girl in the back raised her hand. Doyle nodded. "When can we start to do art?" "Today's as good a day as any. Everyone pick an easel, when you've done that, I'll tell you want else to do." Doyle's stomach was still quavering, but he held his nervousness in. The class got up and went over to the easels. Bodie sat there for a moment, looking at him, as if he expected Doyle to tell him something, then he too got up. //Art, what wise guy enrolled me in art?// Bodie asked himself. //Probably Ray, or Murphy, they both have sick senses of humour.// He sketched on a large sheet of paper that was attached to an easel. All of this seemed so easy when Ray drew, but for Bodie, it was almost like he had four left hands. The jug and fruit he was drawing looked nothing like the real thing. His twin brother Harry had gotten all the art talent of the family, he had even worked as a cartoonist. At least Doyle allowed some music in the room, albeit Brahms. There were girls at one side of him, two of them looked as if they where lovers, but it was pretty easy for Bodie to rule that one out, because they spent their time drooling over Doyle, whose jeans were tighter then usual. "I wonder if he has a girlfriend?" The blond asked. She was nice looking, very nice, if Ray weren't here...... Bodie shook his head to clear it, Ray was here, and their one major rule was not to fling a fling in front of a lover. "I don't know if he's got a girlfriend," The friend said, she was dark haird. "He is sexy." "He's probably taken, all the good ones have wives," //You don't know the half of it girls, Ray's mine, all mine.// Bodie let his eyes wander to Doyle's jean clad ass, Doyle was at an easel, sketching. Doyle's jeans left little to the imagination, and he wondered if Doyle was wearing underwear. Bodie felt himself grow hard, he began to think of how nice it would be to make love to that ass...... Doyle walked around the room, checking every artiest, he stopped at the blonde's easel. "How's it going girls?" "Just fine,' She yelped. "Keep up the good work," Doyle then walked over to Bodie. "What about you young man," "I'm not young," Doyle ignored that comment. "I see you like the picasso school." "Yes sir," "Your doing wonderfully," Doyle moved closer to Bodie, he ran his hand very sensously across Bodie's ass. Out of the corner of his eye, Bodie could see that the Blonde's eyes almost litterly popped out of her head. "Have you ever considered modelling for figure drawing class?" "What would I get for it?" "We pay ten pounds and hour," His caressing grew even more stronger. "You s hould consider it, you have a nice body, very nice." "Thank you sir," Doyle walked past Bodie, he could hear the girls talking jealously about him. He wondered if all this attention was just part of the cover, or was Doyle trying to apologise for Mai Li? * * Doyle knew he needed to talk to Bodie, but he waited until after class. Bodie seemed to loiter, as if he was waiting for him. After the last student left, Doyle shut the door. "Where were you last night?" Doyle asked. "I went out," Bodie said simply. His back was to Doyle, he pretended to fiddle with some paintbrushes. "Just out?" Bodie turned to Doyle. "If you want to know the truth, I found Bryant, we got drunk together, then we fucked, are you happy?" So that was Bodie's response, to cheat on him. Ray had to remind himself that it wasn't really cheating. "I thought we had a rule about flinging our flings in the other's face," "That was before you slept with my girl," "I didn't sleep with Mai Li," Doyle tried to remain calm. "Bullshit!" Bodie almost bellowed. "How else could her bastard look like you?" "What if I told you she was my sister?" "You'll have to come up with something more original then that." "It happens to be the truth," Bodie threw the brushes across the room. "Your unbelievable." "I didn't sleep with Mai Li," Ray repeated. "Go to hell," with that, Bodie stalked out of the room. Bodie, the man that Doyle loved, he desperately wanted a committed relationship with Bodie, but he knew that would be impossible. Bodie wasn't the type to commit himself to one person, the last time....... Doyle closed his eyes, desperately trying to get the picture of Bodie making love to both a man and a woman at the same time out of his mind. Doyle had caught Bodie at this, when they where supposed to have a committed relationship. Ray had never been so hurt before in his life. //I should leave him,// //AM I better with him, or without him?// * * * Bodie spent the rest of the day working at Bryant's office. Trying to fake that he was a good secretary. He went to the gay pub for dinner. The good looking blonde was tending bar, she rolled her eyes when Bodie asked her for a drink. "DO you really think that would be a good idea?" Bodie tried to look innocent. " I won't get drunk, promise," "Can I have a guarantee to that?" Glyness didn't even try to hide her sarcasm. Bodie wondered what had happen the night before, the memories of his drinking binge where a bit hazy. "I'm meeting my lover, have you seen him, about six feet tall, auburn curls?" "No sorry," The girl pulled a pint, and set it down in front of him. Bodie picked it up and walked over to the corner table and sat down. Bodie wondered if Doyle would keep their date, after what had happened that afternoon. He should have never told Doyle that he had cheated on him. At the time he was too angry at his lover to care if he hurt him. //I don't own Ray,// //I've never made a claim on him, don't deserve too,// //So why does the fact that he's been with Mai Li hurt so much// //Perhaps it's because I cared for both of them, // //I loved Mai Li in a way, but not the way I love Ray.....// Bodie had just finished his drink when Doyle came into the bar. Doyle looked around the room, but didn't see Bodie. He went to the bartender and asked directions. She pointed to Bodie. As Doyle walked to him, Bodie couldn't help but notice that the other men in the bar where noticing Ray. "Can I sit down?" Ray asked as he stopped at the table. "Be my guest," Ray sat down, "We need to talk," "I think so too," Bodie agreed. "I'm sorry what I said about Bryant...." "It doesn't matter," His partner said harshly. "It does too matter, I was drunk last night..." "I said it doesn't matter," I can't remember a damned thing I did last night," Bodie confessed. "When I woke, I was fully clothed, I don't think I slept with Bryant." "Then why did you tell me you had?" "I was jelous," Bodie admitted. "I don't believe you," Bodie looked into Doyle/s eyes, but Ray quickly moved them. But that one look was enough, Bodie could see the pain. "I'm sorry I walked in on you an Mai Li, I should have knocked," "Yes, you should have," "I was an idiot, I wish we could just forget about everything," "If that's what you want," Ray's voice was non-committal. "I think it would be for the best," Ray picked up the menu and flipped through it, almost like nothing had happened. "Have you ate yet?" "I was waiting for you," "You didn't have to do that," "Brendan told me the food here was good," Doyle flinched as if he had been hit. "I'm sorry, I won't mention him again." "Going to be kind of hard, seeing that you work for him," Perhaps I should start working for you," "Not on your life, Michael Murphy's my assistant," Doyle paused. "You really didn't sleep with Bryant?" "I can't remember," He admitted. "I was so drunk that the last thing I remember was ordering another drink from Glyness," The bartender walked over to them, and took their order. She stopped writing when Bodie ordered another pint. "Listen luv, I'm not having you roaring drunk like you were last night." "Was he really drunk?" Doyle asked. "He was so drunk that Dr. Bodie and Dr. Bryant had to litterly carry him out. I don't want that to happen again while I'm at work." Doyle looked at Bodie, this time his eyes didn't look so hurt. "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him. He won't get drunk if I've got anything to say about it." "I'll keep you to that," The girl left. "You really don't remember what happened last night?" Doyle asked. "I've already told you I didn't." "Then it doesn't matter if you did sleep with him," Ray reached out and stroked Bodie's cheek, then he impulsively kissed him. Bodie pulled away from Doyle, he was surprised that his lover would kiss him in public. "Ray........." "Just think of this as your cover, we're suppose to be lovers, remember?" "How could I ever forget?" this time when Ray kissed him, Bodie let him. * * * "Can you believe it, Bodie's brother's working here," Doyle overheard Michael Murphy telling someone on the phone, he was playing with a calling card as he talked to the person. He was sitting at Doyle's desk. Doyle was outside his office, he didn't know that Michael had started his assignment yet. He looked up to Susan. "How long has he been here?" Susan looked around. "He got here this morning," "You didn't ask him what he was doing here?" "He was suppose to work with you remember?" Someone came in, a student, Susan suddenly shifted to her cover role. "I'm sorry Dr. Ling, I can't help you." "The name's Lang," "IF you want any typing done, I suggest you ask your assistant to do it!" "I could tell Dr. Ng on you," Go right ahead, tell Dr. Ng that I refuse to work for a damned faggot," Susan spat. The student looked at Susan with respect, "Is Dr. Murphy in?" Doyle recognised the student as being someone from one of his morning c lasses. "I you need any help, I'm free, if you come into my office......." The student backed up a couple of paces. He had hatred written in his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere with a faggot, especially alone!" "That is no way to talk to one your professor," "If I have anything to do with it, you won't be my professor for much longer!" The student sat down on a settee, propped his legs up, and picked up a magazine. "I'm going to wait for Dr. Murphy," Doyle turned and walked to his office. He was beginning to think that the entire school was filled with prejudice people. Michael Murphy was still on the phone. "Yeah, his name is Lars....yeah, it's a German name, from what I hear, it's a long story...your kidding, I'm not going to ask him that, Bodie hates me." Doyle entered his office, he shut the door behind him. "Who gave you permission to use my phone?" "Just a second....." Michael said without looking up. "I'll call you back later Bernie, I love you too...." With that, Michael hung up. "How's the wife?" Doyle asked. "She's fine, I already miss her," Michael was a contrast to his brother Liam, he had golden hair and sable eyes, and he seemed to have a natural tan. His features where different then his brother, but the Murphy brothers where the same highth and build. "It was your idea that she go visit her parents," Doyle reminded him. "Yeah, but she's decided to stay there until the case is solved. "That could be a long time," "I know," He said morosely. Doyle looked down to Michael. "Your sitting at my desk," "Sorry about that," Michael got up and moved to a free chair, Doyle sat down in the vacated chair. "Your suppose to be my teaching assistant, which means you have to tutor two classes, do you think you can handle it?" "Sure," Michael shrugged, he still acted like there was something on his mind. "I'm more worried about my drawing, it's terrible." "Don't let anyone see it," Doyle looked him over. Michael was one of CI5's best men in taking on new identities, he was so good that he was nick named the Chameleon man. "Whoa are you going to be this time?" "I'll go by the name Murphy Micheals," "The name you went by when you lived in the states," "I have a past there, if any of the hate groups want to check up on me, they can find a past for Murphy Micheals," "Good idea," "Listen Doyle, what ever I say to you during this assignment......." "Don't worry, I won't take it personally." Michael smiled at him. "Thanks Ray," "Oh, Murphy, you might start talking with an American accent," "Yes sir!" Michael said in the accent that was so good that he could fool a yank. * * 8 The next day, Ray found Lars in their office. He was standing on a chair, hanging a painting on the wall. Without looking up, he said. "Shut the door please," Doyle did. "You shouldn't keep your back to the door, " "Perhaps your right," Lars turned to Doyle, he was wearing a black polo necked shirt that almost, but not quite covered his bandages, his dark hair was long, and fell straight down his back. "I didn't thank you for saving my life." "It was nothing," "All part of the job eh?" Lar's cockney accent was thick. "Still, I would be dead if it wasn't for you." "Your pretty young to be a college professor," "I'm thirty, not that old." "You don't look that old," Lars rolled his sapphire eyes. "Do you know how many times I've been told that?" "Too many to count?" Doyle asked. Lars smiled, and for a moment, Ray was struck by how much Lars looked like his brother. "Are you going to decorate your side of the room?" "I was thinking about it," "You should, gives you a chance to show off your work," Doyle looked at the paintings hanging on the wall, Lars was good, very good. "I see you didn't use too many woman," "You use what your attracted too, I'm gay." "I wanted to thank you for sharing your office, you didn't have too," "I know, but I wanted too." Lars paused, he fingered something on his desk. "are you doing anything Saturday night?" "I've got a commitment.....Bodie," "I wasn't asking you for a date, it's just the Gay Youth League is having a party." "I'm a bit older then your students Lars," "Not really, we have several members that have returned to school. Come on Ray, have some fun, it won't hurt you." "Can I bring Bodie?" "Of course," "Where is it?" Lars picked up a flyer off his desk and handed it to Ray. * * * The party was going full force when Doyle and Bodie arrived. There was a live band, and the room was filled with couples dancing, some straight, but mostly gay. Bodie was surprised to see Mai Li dancing with what looked like Bryant in a woman's short Greek tunic. He noticed that Glyness the bartender from the pub was dancing with an Indian woman. When the song was over, Mai Li came off the dance floor, she smiled when she saw Ray, and walked over to them. "Hello Bodie, Ray." "Hello," Ray looked her over, "You look smashing tonight." Her smile grew larger. "Thanks, care for a dance?" "Sure," Doyle went onto the dance floor with Mai Li, they where soon joined by Bryant they danced in a threesome, Bodie watching. Jealously was beginning to creep up on him. Doyle was off with Mai Li again, he had to remind himself it was all part of the job. Ray was assigned to work with the woman, but all this looked too cozy to him. Ray was enjoying himself way too much. "Hello Bodie," Someone said from behind him . Bodie turned, then did a double take, it was Bryant, he looked at him, then the dance floor, "I don't understand. Bryant looked out to the dance floor, then smiled. "That's Jenn, my sister." "Your sister?" "She's engaged to Mai Li," "I thought Mai was straight......." "She's Bi actually, do you know her?" "I met her on a case, in Hong Kong," "She's a very gifted artiest, the University was lucky to get her." Another song started, Bryant looked down to Bodie. "Want to dance?" "Sure," Bodie didn't usually dance with men in public, he glanced over to Doyle who was laughing and talking to Mai Li and Jenn. It wouldn't hurt to fling Bryant in Doyle's face, perhaps it would even make Ray jelious, and if his love said anything, he could just claim it was part of the case. Bodie followed Bryant to the dance floor, and started to dance with him, it was a fast dance, and gave them time to talk. "I'm surprised there's so many people here, I didn't know there was so many gays at your college." "Not all the people here are gay, our dances are open to anyone with an open mind." ""That's good, and your married to my brother," That made Bryant smile. "Do you mind?" Before he could answer, a new song came on, a slow dance, he found himself asking Bryant to dance, he put his arms around Bryant's waist, and pulled him close, so close that he could feel Bryant's hard cock against his stomach, every time they would move, it would brush against Bodie's stomach, growing harder each stroke.. It turned Bodie on, and as they danced, Bodie became more and more aroused, he began to move against the taller man.. He kissed Bryant passionately, and was surprised how fiercely Bryant kissed back. They kissed for most of the song, then the tall man broke away from him, and put his head on his shoulder. "This is mad," "Is it?" Bodie thought this was a great turn on. "If we don't stop now, I'll come all over you," Bryant confessed. Bryant's confession really turned Bodie on, blind sex was what he wanted right now. He glanced over to Doyle, who was at the drinks table, chatting with Mai Li, he would probably be off with her by the end of the dance."Let's go," They walked off the dance floor, Bodie followed Bryant to the coat closet, which was down a hallway, it couldn't be seen from the dance floor. Bodie grabbed Bryant, he pushed him against the wall, and kissed him passionately, as he did, he ran his fingers up and down the other man's cock, it was huge, he probably wouldn't be able to wait until they went somewhere else. He opened up the door to the coat closet, and pushed Bryant in, he noticed the small stool, it was just big enough to make him the same highth as Bryant. he didn't shut the door, the idea of being walked in on turned him on even more. Doyle didn't know why he followed Bodie, but something compelled him too. He found his lover in the coat cupboard on a stool, being rogered by Bryant. "Yes Bryant, do it," Bodie growled. "Do it, you son of a bitch, do it!" That made Bryant thrust harder into Bodie. Doyle wanted to turn away, to run, but at the same time, it was exciting to watch, exciting to hear Bodie talking dirty to someone else. Soon, too soon, Bryant came, slipping out of Bodie, who turned to kiss him. Doyle headed towards the bathroom, his cock was so huge that it hurt. He would have to jack off. There were no doors to the stalls, but right now he didn't care. He went into one, took his cock out, closed his eyes and began to stroke, he saw the scene again in the closet, except it was him who was rogering Bodie. He heard the door open, he opened his eyes. It was Lars, who shut the door and locked it. He tried to put his hard cock into his pants. Lars walked over to him, he put his fingers around Doyle's cock and began to stroke. "Wouldn't you like someone more human to take care of that?" "Why would you want to?" "Because your sexier then hell, and I've wanted you ever since I met you." Lars's fingers never stopped moving, driving Ray mad. Lars kissed him, a nd he kissed back, eagerly. Ray kept telling himself that Lars would just be an outlet, since he was in a committed relationship, he wouldn't demand much later. Ray felt at Lar's pants, unfastening them, Lar's was hard too. He put his hands around Lard's cheeks and p ulled him close. "So that's what you want," Lars dropped his pants, and turned, bracing himself against the stalls walls. Without any preparation, Doyle entered Lars and began to thrust, pretending all the time that the younger man was Bodie. * * * The door bell rang, Ray Doyle ignored it. He sat on the couch in the setting room of his apartment, in the dark. He just wanted to be alone. He had cheated on Bodie, he felt like scum. The door opened, and the lights where switched on. It was his sister Mai Li, she must have used her pass key. "Nice apartment," "Thanks, will you go away?" Ray growled. "So this is where you disappeared to," She pretended as if she hadn't heard the snub. "I live here," He reminded her. "Yes, I remember. Hey Ray, it's me Mai Li, the hard cop routine won't work on me. I'm not leaving here until I get a drink." Doyle sighed, he must have the stubbornness sister in the world. He got u p, walked over to the side board, and poured himself a large whiskey. "All we've got is whiskey and wine," "I'll take wine," She said sitting down on the settee. Doyle poured her drink, then went over to the settee and handed it to her. He sat down beside her. "don't you have anything else to do besides sticking your nose in my business?" "Do you have anything else you can do besides sulk about Bodie?" She countered. "I don't feel like doing much else," "Why what happened?" Don't take this personally, but I don't feel comfortable talking about this to you," "Listen Ray, it's me, your sister, I'll understand. Who was the first person you ever told you where gay?" "You where," "And who understood?" "You did," He sighed. "The don't you think I would understand what happened between you and Bodie?" She asked. "Something's happened, you don't get this eaten up with guilt, unless something's happened, so what is it." "I caught Bodie having sex with Bryant in the coat cupboard." He admitted. "It's more then that, isn't it?" "What do you mean?" "Your acting guilty, as if you did something just as bad," When Doyle didn't answer, Mai Li sighed. "So that's it, who was it with?" "Lars....." He admitted. "Did you enjoy it?" "That isn't the point!" Doyle almost shouted. "Then what is?" "I shouldn't feel this way, Bodie and I have an open relationship." "If it hurts you this bad to cheat on him, why don't you change your commitment?" Mai Suggested, she set her wine glass on the end table. "Tried that already," "What happened?" "I caught him in bed with both a man and a woman," "Ouch," "Bodie can't keep his pecker to himself," Doyle tried to play non-chalant. "So I learned long ago to quit trying to make him." ""Why don't you break up with him?" "It's not that easy," "because your his partner too," Mai Li looked at him, and Doyle could tell what she was thinking, she felt sorry for him. "Bodie's lucky to have you, not many people have someone that will give them unconditional love." "Who says I love him?" "It's written all over your face everytime you look at him. "It's that obvious is it?" "Not to everyone, but I'm your sister," Mai Li paused. "Perhaps you should as Major Cowley if you can have another partner." "No, that would be a bad idea," He said. "I've been watching Bodie's back for too long for me to just leave him." * * * "Good morning Xang Wei," Mai Li said. Doyle woke, his head was pounding, he slowly opened his eyes. His sister was standing beside the bed, holding a mug. She was wearing a T-shirt of his and a pair of Bodie's checked boxers.Her pentagram was outside of the shirt, and it sparkled in the morning light. "What time is it?" He finally asked. "Ten thirty," "That's too early, wake me up later," Doyle pulled the covers over his head. He was annoyed when his sister pulled them off. "You need to wake up before all hell breaks loose," "What do you mean?" "Bodie's passed out on the settee, I think he might have seen us together," "Oh great goddess," Doyle groaned. "You should tell him your my brother," "no, not now." "Why not?" "I've told you, he's a prejudice son of a bitch." "If Bodie care about you as much as you say he does, he should understand." "Perhaps later, but not now....." "Here, have a cuppa," She said, handing him the mug. The cup felt warm in his hand, but it didn't give his pounding headache much relief. "I'll need more then this for my hangover." She handed him several aspirin, he tossed them in his mouth, and drank a gulp of the hot liquid. "Thanks little sister," "I like the shorts, can I keep them?" "Sure, Bodie never wears them," He shrugged. "Thanks," She picked up her pile of clothes. "I better get going, Jenn's probably worried about me." "Why leave?" "What you have to face is your path, not mine." "Bodie would be more understanding if you where here," "Not nessarly, I'll see you later Xang Wei," With that she kissed him and then she was gone. Doyle glanced at the clock, it was ten am. Mai Li was right, it was time for him to get up and face Bodie. He didn't look forward to that, Bodie had caught him in bed with Mai Li. If only.....if only Ray Doyle could gather up the courage and tell Bodie the truth, that Mai Li was his sister. That would probably make Bodie even angrier. For this would prove that he lied to his lover. Doyle pulled on some jeans and went into the sitting room. Bodie was stretched out on the couch asleep, he still wore the clothes he had wore the night before. He reeked of achol. //Why does Bodie have to look so innocent when he's asleep?// //Not like the seductive son of a bitch when he's awake,// //Why do I love him?// Doyle took the empties from last night into the kitchen and threw them away. Then he went back into the sitting room to get the glasses. He realized that Bodie was watching him. He tried to act as if that hadn't unnerved him. "Good morning Bodie," "Morning sunshine," Bodie stretched, like a cat. "Is your gel gone?" "Mai Li isn't my girlfriend," "Your piece of ass then," Bodie's eyes turned into two pieces of cold, hard, ice. "You can't deny that you slept with her last night," Bodie was gearing up for a fight, but Doyle didn't want to fight, so he said. "Yeah, she went home." "I thought we had a rule about flinging our flings," Bodie said, it was quite obvious that he was hurt, very hurt. That didn't matter to Ray, it had hurt him when he had saw Bodie being rogered by Brendan. "What about your and Bryant?" "What about me and Bryant? I work for him....." "Don't lie! I caught the two of you fucking in the coat closet last night," Doyle's voice was harsh. "You can't deny that it happened!" "We have an open relationship!" "Yeah, but that open relationship seems to only be when you want to cat around, when I want to have an affair, you get livid." Doyle was trying very hard not to loose his temper. "Your mine, do you understand me? Mine!" Bodie almost shouted. If I'm yours, then I have a right to expect you to not to cheat on me!" "You knew how I was like when we first got together!" "This is ridicules," Doyle took a deep breath, Bodie needed to know the truth about his sister. "Mai Li is my sister," "If you haven't noticed, she's Chinese!" Bodie shouted. "She was probably your first lay." Something inside Doyle snapped. "I am getting sick of your paranoia about Mai Li, she's a friend, simply a friend!" "You forget, I caught the two of you in bed together!" "What about you? Throwing Bryant in my face!" "I never brought him back here," Bodie reminded him. "That's one of our rules if you forgot." "I didn't intend to have her stay here, I was drunk....." "Being drunk isn't an excuse!" "So you where stone cold sober the first time you where with Bryant?" Doyle sneered. "You expect me to stay home while you cat around? You can't keep your pecker to yourself! Your a whore, nothing but a whore!" "Your just as much as whore as I am!" Bodie screamed. "At least I took money for it!" In an instant, Doyle hit Bodie hard in the stomach. Bodie, the breath knocked out of him, fell to the floor. Doyle punched him again."Your only screwing me because my brother's dead! You pathetic, Bodie, really pathetic," Bodie looked up to him, hatred written in his eyes. He got to his feet, and punched Doyle in the face. Doyle countered, hitting Bodie hard. Doyle was a good fighter, but he was hung over, giving his lover an advantage over him. Doyle felt around the table, he found a vase, and threw it, it connected with Bodie's nose, blood began to spirt. Bodie sagged against the end table, trying to catch his breath. "Bodie I'm sorry, I didn't mean....." Doyle started moving towards his lover. Suddenly, Bodie hit him over the head with a lamp, and Doyle fell to the ground, as he laid there, the consciousness leaving him, Bodie kicked him hard in the side. * * * The door bell is what woke Doyle. Doyle laid there, listening. There was no noise in the flat. His side hurt, and he didn't feel like getting up. He couldn't tell if Bodie was still in the apartment. The bell rang again, when he didn't answer, he could hear the rustle of keys, and the door opened. Liam Murphy came in followed by Brendan Bryant. "Doyle!" Murphy knelt down by Ray. "Who did this to you?" Bryant asked he knelt down on the other side. "Was it a skinhead?" "It's all right, Bodie and I had a disagreement," Ray gasped. "A disagreement! It looks like Bodie tried to kill you," Murphy gasped. "If Bodie wanted me dead, I would be dead, we just had a fight, that's all." "My god," Murphy reached out and touched Doyle's forehead. "He's going to kill you someday." "I feel dead already," Doyle confessed. "This doesn't sound like Bodie," Bryant said. "You don't know him like we do," Murphy said. "You need to go to hospital," "No, there will be questions asked," Doyle tried to get up, but it hurt too much to move. "I don't care if there's questions asked! Someone's hurt Doyle, they must have hit his head, because he thinks Bodie did this." "Doyle's right, he shouldn't go to hospital," Murphy agreed. "He's severely injured...." "Your sister's a doctor isn't she?" Murphy reminded him. "She lives in this building, why don't you call her?" Bryant went to the phone to make the call. With some effort, Doyle turned over, he couldn't help it, he cried out in pain. "Why do you let him do this to you?" Murphy asked. "He's going to kill you someday." After getting done with the call, Bryant walked over to Doyle. "Does Bodie batter Ray?" "Ray always has some kind of bruises on him." "Most of my bruises come from the job, not Bodie," Doyle said. "I can hold my own." "I can see that," It was fairly obvious that Liam was upset, Ray was thankful that he had such a good friend, but Liam never understood Bodie and Doyle's fights. There was a knock at the door, Bryant jumped up and answered it. Jenn came in followed by Mai Li and her daughter. "My goddess, what happened?" Mai Li gasped. "Bodie and I had a small disagreement," Doyle said. Mai Li looked at Murphy and Bryant. "Why didn't you get him to hospital?" "Cowley would take me off the case, might even make me retire." Doyle answered. "Well, he's going no where until I can check him over," Jenn opened up her doctors bag, and took out a pen light, then she knelt down beside Doyle and shined the light into his eyes. "Your eyes are a bit off centre, where you hit by anything?" "A lamp," "Great Goddess! The man's a monster!" Mai Li spat. "Winny, can you get me a warm wash cloth?" Jenn asked. "Sure Mama Jenn," Win Lu ran down the hallway and into the bathroom. "Your going to be lucky if you don't have a skull fracture," Jenn told Ray. "Check his ribs," Bryant said. "How do you know I hurt my ribs?" Ray asked. "Your aura's off," "My aura's off?" "I see auras, and yours tells me that your ribs are broken." Bryant said firmly. Jenn tenderly examined Doyle side, he winced as she touched his ribs. "You see, I'm all right," "You have three cracked ribs, but I can tape them up," Jenn said. "After that you have to rest, your going no where without my permission." "I have a class in the morning......." "Lars will teach it for you," Mai Li said. "Are you sure he'll do it?" "You saved his life, he owes it to you," Murphy looked up to Bryant and nodded, they walked over to the other s ide of the room and lowered their voices, but Ray could still hear them talk. "I'm going to go find Bodie," Murphy said. "You can't do that," "Why can't I?" "We're on assignment," Bryant reminded him. "If your seen, your whole cover will be blown," "I won't be seen," Murphy said firmly. "You don't know that," Bryant said. "Come on Liam, see some sense. I'll go after Bodie." "Bodie's an old friend, he just might tell me what really happened," Murphy raised his hand. "Don't worry, I won't be seen. I'm better trained then that." * * * Bodie sat by a nearby pond. It was soothing in a way, made him almost forget his fight with Ray. His entire face hurt. Doyle had really got in some good punches. Luckily for him, his nose had stopped bleeding. It was probably broken. They didn't usually fight like that, Bodie didn't usually get that angry with Ray, not that jelious. //Your only screwing me because my brothers dead!// He had stopped comparing Ray to Kyle a long time ago. Ray was nothing like his brother. He should have let himself get closer to Ray, but he was afraid.... That fear finally drove his lover away. A tall shadow cast itself on the water, it came from behind him. "Do you know how hard you are to find?" Murphy sat down beside Bodie without even asking. "Have you thought I didn't want to be found?" Bodie countered. Murphy didn't say anything, he picked up a handful of pebbles and tossed them into the water one by one. "What do you want?" Bodie finally asked. "It's about you and Ray..." "What about me and Ray?" "You almost killed him," "We had a fight, that's all." "Just a fight? I found him unconscious on the floor of your sitting room!" Murphy's voice raised. "I saw what happened to Ray, I know you tried to kill him!" "Judge jury and executioner," Bodie said softly. "What do you mean by that?" Murphy asked. "Just as I said, you've already conviced me before you heard my side of the story." "And what side is that?" Liam's voice raised. "You got pissed off with Ray and beat him up! I should report you to Cowley!" Bodie didn't answer, instead he stared out into the water, his nose began to bleed again, he took his blood soaked handkerchief and dabbed it. Murphy ever observant, noticed, he put a hand beneath Bodie's chin an d turned it. His green eyes narrowed as he looked at Bodie's face. "So I see, you didn't attack Ray." Murphy's long fingers stroked Bodie's cheek. "You should have Jenn look at your nose." "No, not Jenn." "Why not?" How could Bodie tell Murphy about what he found that morning? "Jenn's Mai Li's lover, Mai and Ray...." "May Li and Ray what?" "Their having an affair, Win Lu's their daughter." "How long have you known about that?" Murphy asked. "I found them embracing in her office one night," Bodie took a deep breath and let it out. "I don't know why it hurts so much." "I don't know eather old boy, don't tell me your falling in love with Ray...." There was a bit of mirth in Murphy's Irish eyes. Bodie didn't say anything, he couldn't tell Murphy that he was in love with Ray, Murphy would never allow him to live it down. "There's nothing wrong with being in love, I love Susan," Murphy said quietly. "You mean Susan Fisher?" "She's the only one that I've been dating recently." "She'll be good for you," "You have to go back you know," Liam said softly. "Give me one good reason why," "Because your still assigned to the case, if you don't go back, Cowley will have your hide." "I know, I can't quit," //I have an agreement with Cowley,// //If I go against that agreement, Cowley will send me back to Angola.// * * * Bodie and Murphy went back to the apartment. Bodie hesitated in front of the door for a moment. Murphy saw his hesitation, he reached over the smaller man and knocked on the door. It was Jenn Bryant who answered the door, she let out a gasp when she saw Bodie's face. "My goddess, what happened to you?" "Doyle and I had a fight," Bodie said with a shrug. "You better come in," Jenn moved so that Bodie could enter the room. Bodie could see Ray lying on the settee, Mai Li beside him. She jumped to her feet and went to the door. "Get out of here!" "This is my apartment Mai Li," Bodie tried to reason. Mai Li slapped Bodie hard across the face. "Get the fuck out of here! You tried to kill Ray! You could try it again!" "All Bodie wants to do is talk to Ray," Murphy said. "Ray doesn't want to talk to this monster!" She screamed. "Who gave you permission to talk for Ray?" Bodie countered. He looked at Doyle. "Ray, we need to talk....." "Later," Was all that Ray said. "When?" "I don't know, give me a couple of days, can you go please?" "We've been assigned to stay together," "I don't trust you Bodie," Doyle said simply. "How do I know you won't try and hurt me again?" "You can stay with me," Bryant said quickly. "There's plenty of room." "I'll go get my things....." Bodie said. "Not yet you don't." Jenn gestured to a chair. "Sit!" "I have to get my clothes," "Brend will get your clothes," The look she gave her brother told him he better do as he was told. Brendan beat a hasty retreat. Bodie sat down in the chair. He looked around the room, Mai Li was still hovering over Ray as if she owned him. He knew he would never be able to talk to Ray when she was here. Bryant was a wild card, they had slept together, but Bodie couldn't really trust him. Murphy sat down on the arm of the chair, protecting. "Shit Bodie, your as bad off as Ray," Jenn said as she looked him over. "how bad is Ray?" Bodie asked. "You broke two of his ribs!" Mai Li accused."How did that happen?" "He hasn't told you?" "I asked you!" "If Ray won't tell you, then I won't eather!" Bodie said firmly.