A Winters Tale Katrinka Forever Knight /Professionals Cross over Janette/Ray Doyle Graphic Rape scene A Certain British city-winter 1965 It was a cold night, one of the coldest in the decade. Snow was flying everywhere, but Ray Doyle was out in it, trying to earn a living. Hustling for a quid, though he hardly had a quid to his name. He had turned eighteen a few months before, but this was just a reminder that he was getting older, that his worth on the street was less and less every day that passed. Ray had been turning tricks since his sixteenth birthday, when he had come home to find that his father and brother had deserted him. he had tired begging for awhile, but soon came into contact with a pimp, who after hooking him on heroin, gave him the choice of going through withdrawal, or working for him. If Doyle worked well, he would get a fix, and sometimes food. If he didn't make anything, he would starve. Three days of going without the heroin made him realize that he needed Boyce his pimp, no matter how much he hated him. How much he hated tricking. He was out on the street, freezing his ass off in weather that no one else would go out in, except other hustlers like him. Even the pick-pockets and muggers stayed home. Every once in a while one of Ray's stable mates would go around the corner. Ray didn't have to guess were they went, there was a coffee house around the corner that served a bottomless cup of coffee for only twenty pence, and the owner didn't let pimps in. He missed his best friend Jamie, a hustler like him, who had been taken in by a john a few weeks before. Now that Jamie had a sugar daddy, he didn't have to trick. Ray didn't trust his tricks enough to go home with them, but Jamie's sugar daddy seemed different, he seemed to really care about the boy. They had gone to France together and had never returned. Ray had never been so cold in his life, his pimp had insisted that his boys dress for warmer weather, so he wasn't even allowed to wear gloves. he was a femme, a prostitute that worked at bringing out his feminine side. His johns couldn't see the full effect of his costume if he wore a coat. He glanced across the street to an electronics store, the thermometer in the window read one degree. He could go into the coffee shop for thirty minutes, it was his turn. it would give him a chance to allow the warmth to seep in. Ray left. The warmth from the coffee house felt like an oven. There was no one there except for the owner, Janette. She was very beautiful, and Ray had a bit of a crush on her. Janette smiled when she saw Ray, he knew that she was a vampire, but she seemed so different then the other vampires that he knew. "Hello Raymond," "hello Janette," "What would you like today?' "Can I have a cuppa coffee?" She filled a large mug, and handed it to him. He wrapped his cold fingers around the cup, the warmth from the cup felt good. "I don't know why Boyce has to insist that you come out in this kind of weather," Janette chided. "You're going to freeze to death someday, then what is he going to do?" "He'll find another boy," Doyle shrugged. Janette busied herself at another part of the bar. Ray took a good look at himself in the mirror behind the bar. If he had looked at a picture of how he looked now, three years ago, he wouldn't have been able to recognized himself. His hair had been grown out long, very long like a girls. He wore makeup. The bones in his cheeks didn't use to stick out the way they did now. It made him look more like a girl. He was always hungry, both for drugs and for food. If he was given a choice or either drugs or food, he would always pick the drugs. A hustler, that's all he was, getting money for letting strange men roger him in alley ways. If he were lucky, very lucky, his pimp would give him a fix, that was all he had to look forwards to. Janette made a sandwich, and ladled out a large bowl of goulash, it smelt good to Ray, but he knew he couldn't afford to eat. He was surprised when Janette put the food in front of him. "There's no one here, why don't you eat?" "I don't have any money," He confessed. "it's on the house, I know you're hungry, so eat." When she saw his hesitation, she pushed the food even closer to him. "It's all right, eat. I won't tell anyone." He looked up to her, she smiled at him. She was elegant, far too elegant for a place like this. Finally, he smiled back, then he ate. While he was eating, the door opened, and he felt a hand on his collar. "I should have known you were in here Ray Doyle!" Boyce bellowed. Janette got between Ray and his pimp. "You know you're not allowed in here," The pimp threw Janette to the ground. "Stay out of this frenchie!" She got back up, she was angry, Ray could feel it. "Don't punish him for coming in here, I was the one who asked him in." "You don't have to lie for him, you don't know what he is, he's worse then a whore," The pimp forcibly pulled up the sleeve on Doyle's shirt, revealing the rows of track marks. "He's a junkie, *my* junkie." "Ray is allowed to do anything he wants in here, and you have nothing to say about it." Janette countered. Ray felt the pressure of his pimps hand on his arm, squeezing it tight. "You want to come with me, don't you?" Ray looked down to his arm, he knew his pimp would break it if he didn't obey. "I want to go with him," The pimp and his enforcer pulled Doyle into the cold night air, into the alleyway. The Enforcer threw the teenager up against the wall. "How much have you made tonight?" Boyce demanded. "Nothing, it was too cold!" Doyle said frantically. The enforcer punched Doyle hard in the stomach, then put his hand in his pocket. "You've been too much of a bother Ray Doyle," The pimp said. "It's time for you to once and for all pay for all you're troubles." The enforcer took his hand out of his pocket, Ray barely saw the flash of gold of the man's brass knuckles, before he was hit once, then twice in the face. Doyle felt as if his face had been broken in two. He fell to the ground, he could feel the blood pouring off his face. Then Boyce ripped open Doyle's shirt sleeve, Ray could feel the needle go into him, and the drug enter his system. Then he heard footsteps of his pimp walking away. The cold seeped back into his body. He saw a tunnel, and an light, the light beckoned to him, he walked towards the light. A few seconds passed, and someone was kneeling beside him. "Oh mon chere, I got here too late, this is my fault, if I had never left LaCroix, he wouldn't have brought over you're mother,she would be here for you, and you wouldn't have to sell yourself, and get killed. you're too young to cross over," He felt something wet on his lips, "Drink mon chere, drink,": It was blood, he didn't know if it was his own, or Janette's, but he drank. Suddenly the light and the tunnel was gone. Janette picked him up in her arms, and flew off into the night sky. * * * The next thing that Ray knew was that he was at a private hospital. Janette was telling anyone who asked that she was his mother, that he had run away from home, and his pimp had attacked him. She was believed, and Ray was taken to the emergency room. He didn't know how many weeks it took to wean him off of the heroin, the time passed quickly. All the knew was that one day he didn't hunger for it quite as badly. He had no idea how Janette had convinced the staff at the hospital that he was her son, and he really didn't care. He was in a private room, her money had seen to that, he felt safe, as if his days of hustling were over. "Hello Ray, I see that some missionary drug you out of the gutter," Boyce said as he came into the room. His enforcer Wilson was right at his heels. The enforcer shut the door behind the pimp. Ray tried to fight the sense of panic that was overcoming him. "What are you doing here?" "I wanted to visit my favorite boy,' Boyce smiled coldly. "What do you want?' when Boyce didn't answer, Ray almost yelled. "Will you get out of here!" "Don't talk like that, we're friends," "With friends like you, I don't need enemies," Doyle spat. he noticed it was still light outside, Janette couldn't come and save him. He was trapped. "Has the doctor told you when you'll be able to go back on the streets?" Boyce demanded. "I'm not going, I'm free of that." Boyce walked up to Doyle, he grabbed his wrist, and pulled the sleeve of his p.j.'s up, showing the track marks. "YOU'RE a junkie Ray, that's all you are simply a junkie," "I'm off the horse," "You're girlfriend might have you believe that, but how much does you're body crave the horse? You want a taste, admit it," Boyce tempted. "Come on Ray, one taste won't hurt." "I'm through with drugs, and I'm through with hustling," Ray said firmly. "Who put that into you're head, the frenchie?" the grip on Ray's arm got harder. "Was it Janette?" "why do you care?" "You're my boy! My slave! Just because you are out of my sight, doesn't mean that I still don't care for you!" "If you care for me, why did you try and kill me?" "You disobeyed orders, you had to be punished, but I'm wiling to forgive you," "I don't need you're forgiveness!" Ray tried to pull away from the pimp. "Yes you do, you need my help, who else give you the horse that you're body needs?" "I told you, I'm getting off the horse!" The pimp too a syringe out of his pocket, Ray knew what was in it by sight, Heroin. He tried even harder to struggle from his pimp. The enforcer came and held Ray down, and the pimp gave him a shot. Ray could feel the drug enter his system, could hear Boyce say. "You're *mine* Ray *mine* you'll leave me when I'm ready for you to leave me, do you understand?" "Yes Boyce," Ray said. "You've been hurt quite badly, so you're street value is down, that means you'll have to work harder from now on," Boyce told him. "Don't think of running to Janette, if I catch you with her again, I'll not only kill you, I'll kill her, do you understand?" "Yes Boyce," * * * Ray should have known this wasn't real, that he could never be free of his pimp. He ached for the heroin that his body was addicted to, the fix that his pimp had given him had worn off, it wasn't even his usual dosage, just a taste. After the sun had set, Janette came to visit. Janette, the woman who had offered him so much kindness, what would he tell her? "hello Raymond, how are you feeling?" she asked as she came into the room. She was wearing a black leather coat and a red head scarf. she took the scarf off. Then the jacket. He couldn't bare to look at her. "I'll be all right," She walked up to him, touched his face, "You hunger," He looked up to her, "How do you know?" "I sometimes feel these things, has the doctor told you when you'll get you're bandages off?" "I don't know, and I don't care," He said hardly. ""Do you know how much my street value has gone down because of my face?" "There's more to life then selling yourself," She reminded him gently. "How would you know?" He demanded. "Are you some kind of missionary?" "I don't believe in gods," "I use to...." He looked away from her."I'm nothing, my values gone down," "Why are you worrying about you're value?" His fingers began to shake, god, he needed a hit. "I'm a whore, I'll always be a whore," For the first time, Janette noticed his shaking. "You're pimp, was he here?" "He has the right, he owns me," "No one owns anyone else. Can't you remember that he tried to kill you?" "I deserved it," the craving was about to overcome him. "You where freezing," "I am a whore, freezing is part of the deal," "If I could get you out of here, out of the life on the streets, would you?" Janette asked. "He'll find me," Ray sobbed hopelessly. "What would you do if he never bothered you again, would you sell yourself?" "Of course I wouldn't," Janette took his chin in her hand and turned his face so that he was facing her. "I'll take care of Boyce, from now on, you're to consider yourself my boy. * * * Ray heard about his pimps death from the nursing sisters. One of the sisters had brought in a tabloid paper, and tossed it on his night stand without even a word to him. Then she left. Ray wasn't too surprised, the Nurses didn't have much time for him. He was simply a whore who sold himself for money. He picked up the paper, it was one of those that had a page three girl. The cover showed a photo of his pimp and the enforcer, both were on the ground, both had their throats cut out. The headline blared "Local Crime Boss Killed in a Wild Animal Attack," Ray knew it wasn't a wild animal that had attacked them, it was a vampire. It must have been Janette. She had promised him that he would never be bothered by his pimp again. She had been true to her word. He flipped over to the page three girl, a model who was topless. Yeah, she was nice. He knew what he was, but he still liked woman. He felt himself growing hard. he was a whore, and men turned him on, but why did woman do to? It didn't make any sense to him. He wondered if doing it to a woman was that much different then being a bottom? Non of that mattered anyway, he reminded himself. He was Janette's boy now, which meant that she would be expecting him to earn his keep, on the streets. * * * After his release from hospital, Janette brought Ray to her private quarter above the coffee shop. "you are to live here now, you'll sleep in my guest room, is that understood?" She asked him. "Yes, I understand," Ray watched as Janette took off her coat and hung it up in the wardrobe. She then sat down on the settee and put her feet up, she leaned back and closed her eyes. She hadn't given him any orders, or demanded that he service her. tentatively, he sat down beside her. "Can I ask you something?' "Sure go ahead," "Is this a business relationship?" "If you would like," without even opening her eyes, she said something else. "I have some basic rules for you, if you go by them, we should get along nicely." "Yes Janette," "No one will come inside my apartment when it is light except for you, and you are not to wake me during the day," "All right," "Aren't you in the least bit curious to know why I don't want to be woke?" "You're a vampire," This made Janette sit up. "How do you know I'm a vampire?" This was something that Ray didn't really want to tell her, but the look she was giving him gave him two choices, tell her or be drained. "I'm a failed inherited," "A Failed inherited," Janette repeated. "I didn't cross over when I entered puberty like my twin brother did," He explained. "How could you tell I was a vampire?" "I can feel the presence of vampires sometimes," He felt mixed feelings from her, so he decided to press on. "Please Janette, don't kill me." "Why would you think I'd kill you?" "I know the code, I'm human, and I know you're secret," "You're not going to tell anyone are you?" She countered. "It's none of their business is it?" He asked. "I can keep a secret," "Little Ray," Janette drew her finger across his good cheekbone. "I will hold you to that promise, if you do anything to break you're word, I will drain you myself, is that understood?" "Yes madam," "I am *NOT* you're madam!" Janette snapped. "Yes Janette," He corrected. "I have two other ground rules that you must follow, you are not to take drugs, and no hustling, can you go without selling yourself?" "Of course I can!" Janette touched his long curls, "We're going to have to get these taken care of before you start to work at the coffee shop. You're hair's even longer then the beatles!" * * * Ray Doyle was Janette's boy, he did as she told him, she had him in charge of keeping the bar clean. He was surprised that she made no sexual demands on him. He had gotten the bandages off his face, but it was no improvement. He still looked horrible. His right cheek had been crushed, as was the orbtal bone. He would never look like what he did before the bandages. That combined with his new short hair made him look like a monster in his eyes. //Who will pay for me to have sex with him now?// He asked himself. //I'll never be able to pay off my hospital bill,// He looked down to the letter that Jamie had sent him. Somehow his former stablemate had known that he would be staying with Janette, because the letter had been sent in care of her. The letter had tropical stamps. Dear Ray, You wouldn't believe how beautiful the tropics are. I know you would like to draw the mountains on this island. The sunsets are incredible. I wish you could have gotten to know Brendon better. He's really a nice guy. He's a musician, we live off his earnings. He wants me to join him in playing, so I'm learning the bass. It's so nice not hustling, not having to have sex with someone you don't want. I hope that some day that you'll be able to get off the streets, I didn't realize how bad it was on it until I was off. Love, Jamie The door to the coffee house opened, three of Boyce's stable walked in, the oldest of the boys had become the new pimp. "Hello Ray-O'Boy," The oldest, Bruce said. "Hello," Ray put the letter down, "I see that frenchie's got you washing up the place," "It's part of my job," These three where making alarms go off inside of Ray, something wasn't quite right with them. "I bet you made two, three quid a day," The second said. I make enough," He said. "Really?" Bruce asked. "Do you remember how much you use to make on the street?" "We never got to keep any of it," Ray reminded him. "If you worked for me you would," Bruce said. "I'd let you have half, you could get Rich," "Him get rich with his looks?" The third laughed. "He's a monster!" Bruce hushed him with a glare. 'Yes, you could earn a lot, if you grew you're hair back out, and make up would hide you're cheek," "Would you like some coffee?" Ray asked. "Ray boy, we're old friends," Bruce walked around the bar, the second prostitute walked around to the other side, "You're a whore lad, nothing but a whore, don't let that frenchie make you think other wise," "I'm not interested," Ray said firmly. The new pimp ran his hand up and down Ray's buttocks, "You've still got quite an ass on you, you shouldn't let it go to waste. I know you hated being a femme, if you worked for me, you could wear leather," "I told you, leave me alone!" He tried to pull away from them, but they where too strong. "You're going to work with us, it would be better for you if you where willing. Do you really want me to have to put you back on the horse?" Ray felt along the counter, his hand hit a hot coffee pot. He picked it up and smashed the pimp across the face. The pimp screamed in agony, "You're going to pay for that!" All three attacked him, he tried to fight back, but there was three against one. They wrestled Ray to the ground, and onto his stomach. His arms twisted up behind his back. He could feel Bruce pull his pants over his hips and down. They where going to rape him. He could feel the weight of the pimp against him, feel his hardness as he entered. Ray wasn't prepared, and it hurt. "You on the boy, get off!" Janette demanded. "Leave us alone Frenchie!" Bruce said, he thrust harder in Ray. There was the sound of a pistol being cocked. "I'll kill the three of you if I must," "You couldn't use that," the third prostitute said. "I am a decorated member of the french Resistance, I've killed many more times then you would believe," She fired a shot, it hit the bar over the pimps head. "The next one will be you're ass!" Ray could feel the pimp get off him, could hear him fasten his pants. "If any of you ever show you're face in my establishment again, I will kill you," Janette vowed. "She's a nutter, let's get out of here," He could hear them leaving, but Ray stayed on the floor, he didn't dare look up, he was too scared. Janette knelt beside him. "Oh mon chere, what we whores have to do to get away from our masters," She picked him up in her arms and took him to her apartment, where she set him on the bed. "How are you feeling? Are you hurt bad?" "I've been through worse," even as he said it, he realized he was bleeding. "You were raped," She reminded him. "I'm a whore, every once in awhile you get raped, it's part of the job." "Do you really believe that?" "He felt compelled to answer. "NO, but it feels better if I think it," "You will never have sex with anyone you don't want, you're worth more then that," She told him. "But I must go back on the streets," He insisted. "It's why you took me in isn't it? To earn you money?" "Don't *EVER* *EVER* say that again!" She spat. "I must work off my debt to you," "You're debt....." "The nurses in hospital told me that you paid my bill, I thought....." "Oh Raymond," She laid down beside him. "My Raymond, you're days of selling yourself are over," "How will I earn my keep?" "YOU all ready do," "All I do is clean, I could earn more on the streets," "The streets aren't the answer," She said firmly. "How would you know?" "I was there once, someone helped me get off, and I'm going to help you." She told him. "You can do much more then sell you're body. Have you ever been with anyone that hasn't paid you?" My pimp, and Jamie..." "You're friend, the one that sent you the letter," "He was a good mate, but he left me, just like everyone leaves me," Ray closed his eyes, the pain from the rape was beginning to overcome him. what she said next burst the flood gate. ""My poor Raymond, has you're heart been too hurt to ever love?" Ray began to cry, and Janette pulled him to her, she didn't take advantage of him, just held him, and for now, that was enough. * * * "Tell me the truth Raymond, do you find me attractive?" Janette asked Ray three weeks after the rape. He was lying in his bed, the lights were out, Janette stood above him. "You're the most beautiful woman I know," He admitted. "Thank you for you're honesty," She smiled, then she knelt down and kissed Ray, very gently on the lips. Ray was her boy, he would do what ever she wanted him to do, including having sex with her if that was what she wanted, but as they kissed, he found that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Janette pulled away from him a bit. "Have you ever been with a woman before?" "No, never," he confessed. She kissed him again. Even this kiss seemed different, he didn't have to close his eyes and think of someone he wanted as they kissed, she was here, and he wanted her. Janette opened his shirt and kissed her way down to his chest, stopping just above his groin. His hardness was showing through his pants, and he wondered if his mistress was upset by it. "You do like woman, don't you mon chere?" "Yes," He yelped. Suddenly Janette was back at his mouth, kissing him, lapping at his lips. "I will teach you to be a good lover, just do as I tell you, no questions, do you understand?" "Yes Janette," The vampire unzipped his pants, and pulled them down, his cock sprang free. Suddenly Janette was on top of him, she lowered herself onto his cock. Ray felt himself thrust uncontrollably towards the warmth, and she moved along with him. She took his hands in her and brought them to her breast, and he kneaded them. "You're a good student," She told him as she rode him, he could see her canines extending, even this seemed sensual to Ray. At the point of orgasm, Janette bent down and bit his neck. * * * The next year went by in a flash, slowly Ray Doyle learned to trust Janette. He sketched her in his off hours, or when she was sleeping. She never crossed him over, said she wouldn't until he was ready. Janette seemed to appreciate his artwork, tucking the sketches away for prosperity. She asked Ray several times if he ever considered going to art college, but he told her the truth, he hadn't finished his level testing, so he could never go to college. Then one day a man came to the bar. He was carrying a brief case, and Janette hustled him to a chair in the side of the bar. They talked in hushed tones in another language. Ray busied himself with work but his mind was filled with questions. Janette looked up to him. "Ray, come here," Ray walked up to the table, she gestured for him to sit down, he did. "This is Larry Merlin, Ray, he's a very old friend of mine," Ray could feel that Larry was a vampire, he finally said. "It's good to meet you Mr. Merlin," "I've heard a lot about you're artwork from Janette," Merlin said. "She told me that you're really good." "I just sketch," He said. //Why would Janette tell anyone about my art?// "You have a talent Ray, a very rare talent<" Janette said. "It's time for you to do something with it," "I've told you before, I never took the exams," Ray said. "That's why I'm here," Merlin said. "I have connections," "What kind of connections?" Ray asked. "According to records you passed ten O levels and four A," The man said. "There are several good art colleges that are interested in you're attending them. You do want to go to art college?" "Yes," He said impulsively, then Doyle stopped himself. "I have a police record, for hustling, they won't let me in with a record." "You're police records got 'lost'" Janette told him. "Why would you do this for me?" Ray demanded. "You don't know me." "I'm doing a favor for Janette," With that, Merlin left. Ray turned to Janette, she was kicking him out, he realized that now. "I'm you're boy, why do you want to get rid of me?" I don't want to get rid of you," She told him. "I thought you liked me," "I do. It's not you Ray, it's me, I must move on." "Take me with you," he said impulsively. "A vampire's life isn't one for mortals, you have a great talent Ray, you can't just let it go to waste." "I can't afford college," "A trust fund has been set up for you," Janette told him. "It will pay for you're schooling and room and board." He realized that she was right, he needed to go to college, needed to have a life that wasn't just living. "Will I ever see you again?" "When you least expect it," With that, Janette kissed Ray Doyle for one last time.